Afghan Biographies

Gulabzoi, Sayed Muhammad Gulabzoy

Name Gulabzoi, Sayed Muhammad Gulabzoy
Ethnic backgr. Pashtun
Date of birth 1951
Function/Grade Ex MP MNA
History and Biodata

2. Previous Functions:
General in the afghan communist Army, Interior Minister,
Wolesi Jirga Member 2005 MP MNA Khost

3. Biodata
gulabzoyGulabzoi, Gulabzoy, Sayed Muhammad is a former communist general, Gulabzoi took part in the overthrow of King Muhammad Zaher Shah in 1973. Gen Gulabzoi was one of the key members of the Khalq faction of the communist party, People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA). He was seen as a close aide of the communist leader, Nur Muhammad Taraki. He served as the interior minister for a long time during the Soviet occupation. Gen Gulabzoi lived in exile in Russia for 17 years. Sayed Muhammad Gulabzoi has returned to the country to run in Afghanistan's 2005 parliamentary elections. First parliamentary group, Isteqlal-i-Millihas (Technocrats), 26 members, with Mustafa Kazimi as its head while Sayed Muhammad Gulabzoi (former communist, Khalqi faction) as his deputy (20060830)

Gulabzoi speaks Pushtu, Dari and Russian.

Last Modified 2011-04-13
Established 2009-10-12