Afghan Biographies

Dehqanpur, Atta Mohammad

Name Dehqanpur, Atta Mohammad
Ethnic backgr. Aimaq
Date of birth 1951
Function/Grade Ex Wolesi Jirga Member 2018 MP MNA Ghor Ghowr
History and Biodata

2. Previous Function:
Wolesi Jirga Member 2018 MP MNA Ghor Ghowr
3. Biodata:
Atta Mohammad Dehqanpur Atta Mohammad Dehqanpor Ata Mohammad Dehqanpur was born in 1951 in Ghor province. He graduated from Sultan Alauddin Ghori school in 1979 and received his bachelor’s degree in Law from Payam Noor University of Afghanistan in 2017. He has served in police during Dr. Najibullah’s regime. Dehqanpur has been a teacher as well.

He was a unsuccessful 2005 Wolesi Jirga election candidat and has received 10,181 votes in Wolesi Jirga election 2018 and got a seat in WJ 2018.

Last Modified 2019-10-21
Established 2018-12-05