Afghan Biographies

Chahari, Mualim Malim

Name Chahari, Mualim Malim
Ethnic backgr. Turkmen
Date of birth 1946
Function/Grade Ex Wolesi Jirga Member
History and Biodata

Mualiam Chahri
Phone: 0796407011

2. Previous Functions:
Wolesi Jirga Member 2010 MP MNA Kunduz Konduz Kundus

3. Biodata:
Chahari_MalimMualim Chahari, son of Muhammad Rahim, was born in 1946 in the Qalai Zal district of Kunduz Province. Chahari finished his primary education in Qalai Zal School and graduated from fourteenth class at the Teachers Training Institute of Kunduz province in 1971.

Chahari has more than nine years’ experience as a teacher in government schools in Kunduz province. He became a jihadi commander in 1980. Chahari has served as governor of districts in Kunduz province, including Qala-e Zal for two years, Ali Abad for two years and Char Dara for three years.

Mualim (teacher) Chahari is a independent Wolesi Jirga 2010 member.

Commission (2012): Transport, Telecommunications, Urban and Housing Affairs, Water and Power Supply
and Municipal Affairs


He is married and has seven daughters and seven sons.

Chahari can speak Dari and Pashto.

Last Modified 2019-05-01
Established 2010-10-24