Afghan Biographies

Junbish Rawzana-e Azadi Zanan Afghanistan

Name Junbish Rawzana-e Azadi Zanan Afghanistan
Ethnic backgr.
Date of birth
Function/Grade Women’s rights advocacy group
History and Biodata

The group criticized the Taliban’s policies, calling them “misogynistic” and describing negotiations with the Taliban as an “unsuccessful step.”

The statement accused the Taliban of committing “crimes against humanity, particularly towards women” since regaining control of Afghanistan.

The statement highlighted that the Taliban has stripped Afghan women of their fundamental rights. “Junbish Rawzana-e Azadi Zanan Afghanistan emphasizes the immediate demands for women’s human rights in Afghanistan and considers any engagement with the Taliban a betrayal of women,” the group said.

The advocacy group urged the international community to support Afghan women and the Afghan population rather than engaging in negotiations or recognizing the Taliban.

“Engagement and legitimacy to the Taliban is an endorsement of terrorism in the world,” it stated.

The UN-hosted meeting of special envoys on Afghanistan is set to be held on June 30 in Doha, Qatar, where participants will discuss the situation in Afghanistan and explore ways to address the ongoing crisis.(20240529)


The National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan sometimes called simply Junbish, is a Turkic political party in Afghanistan. Its founder is Marshal Abdul Rashid Dostum who created it in 1992 made from his loyalist remnants from the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan's communist regime.

It is described as "an organisation heavily peopled with former Communists and Islamists,"and is regarded as somewhat secular and left-leaning. Its ethnik base is mostly Uzbeks, and it is strongest in Jowzjan, Balkh, Faryab, Sar-e Pol, and Samangan provinces.



Last Modified 2024-05-30
Established 2024-05-30