Nadir Khan Katawazi
Phone: 0799301578
2. Previous Functions:
Wolesi Jirga Member 2005 MP MNA Paktika
Wolesi Jirga Member 2010 MP MNA Paktika reelected
Wolesi Jirga Member 2018 MP MNA Paktika
3. Biodata:
Wakil Nadar Khan Katawazi Katawazai Nader Khan Katawazai son of Haji Amanullah Khan was born 1961 (other source: 1957) in Khair Kot Distrcit, Paktika Province. Katawazai graduated from Sayed Jamaluddin Teacher Training Institute in Kabul in 1978. He has also studied at Abu Kalam Azad, a college in India. Katawazai taught in Paktika province. He was then appointed as the head of the Department of Tribes and Frontiers in Paktika. He is also a businessman.
Katawazi is a Sulaimankhel tribe Pashtun. During the Communist time he was a member of the Khalq Party. He is associated with the political party of Pir Gailani.
Katawazai participated in the Emergency Loya Jirga in 2002 and the Constitutional Loya Jirga in 2003 respectively.
In 2005 he ran in the parliamentary elections in Paktika and came in second place with 25,616 votes the second best showing in the province. So he bagged a seat in the Wolesi Jirga and went on to serve on parliament's Petitions Committee. Politically, it is said, he is"associated" with Pir Gailani's NIFA party.
He bagged most votes (10.691) during the Wolesi Jirga Election in 2010. The next candidate was Sayed Ishaq Gailani with 3.975 votes.
Commission (2012): International Affairs
Katawazi was a runner for the first deputy speaker post in Wolesi Jirga 2010 and failed to gain more than 50 percent of votes in the second round and third round on Tuesday, 01 Mar. 2011
Nader Khan Katawazai received 3,871 votes in Wolesi Jirga election 2018 and got a seat in WJ 2018.
Wolesi Jirga member Nader Khan Katawazi’s son has been killed as a result of an explosion in southeastern Paktia province.(20200827)
He is married and has six sons and two daughters.
Katawazi sspeaks Pashtu, Dari, English, Hindi and Urdu.
The Suleiman Khel are a tribe within the Hezab Burhan branch of the Ghilzai Pashtuns. They Are the most important Ghilzai tribe. They are also the largest in the Burhan branch, with estimates from the mid-1800s putting them at 35,000 families, far larger than the second largest Burhan tribes, the Andar and Taraki, at 12,000 families each. The Suleiman Khel have had a longstanding rivalry with the Kharoti tribe in which they have historically had the upper hand. Many tribesmen still joined the militant organization Hezb-i Islami Gulbuddin (HIG), however, despite Gulbuddin Hekmatyar's Kharoti background, because he lacked much of any roots and influence within the tribe.
They have also historically allied with the Hotaki, a Ghilzai tribe of the Turan branch. The Hotaki are one of major elements of the Afghan Taliban, and perhaps not surprisingly, Suleiman Khel tribesmen are heavily involved in the movement, even accounting for most of the recruits in Paktika Province according to a former governor. |