Afghan Biographies

Kamawal, Sharifullah Shareefullah

Name Kamawal, Sharifullah Shareefullah
Ethnic backgr. Pashtun
Date of birth 1983
Function/Grade Ex Wolesi Jirga Member 2010 MP MNA Kabul
History and Biodata

Sharifullah Kamawal
Phone: 0093-(0)777637777
Email: kamawalmp(at) (please replace at with @)

2. Previous Functions:
Official of the customs directorate in the Finance Ministry.
Wolesi Jirga Member 2010 MP MNA Kabul (current job)

3. Biodata:
Kamawal_SharifullahSharif Kamawal Sharifullah Kamawal, son of Haji Kator,  was born 1983 in Nangarhar province, but lives in Kabul now. Kamawal completed his secondary education at Omar High School in Jalalabad province in 2007. He is currently (2012) a student of Law and Political Science at the Ariana University in Nangarhar province. He has outside family relations.(20150626)

He was a student during the Taliban period. He began work as a construction manager. He qualified for Kabul University’s department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, but could not enroll because of poor health. He also studied at Kabul Educational Institute for two years, but never worked in the field, he explained. He now studies law and political science at Kabul University and also studies law online with an Indian university.

Kamawal has served as deputy director to both the World Construction Company and the Afghanistan Rehabilitation Association (an NGO) as the deputy director. In addition, he has worked with the Kaboora Foundation (KF) as an administration and finance officer as well as at the International Airport of Kabul in 2007 for a short period of time.

He has established youth organizations, including the Afghan Youth Social Movement and Afghan Youth Relations in Kabul. The organizations have not only provided educational opportunities for educated Afghan youth domestically and internationally but have also trained scores of uneducated youth with bicycle-making, tailoring and carpet weaving skills, he said.

Kamawal is currently a member of the Saba (“dawn”) parliamentary group, as well as having previously served as head of the International Relations Committee of the Coalition for the Support of the Rule of Law

Kamawal attributes his electoral success to his campaign, on which by his account he spent 1.8 million (about $38,000) afghanis of his own income. He owns three houses in Kabul and receives 98000 afghanis (about $2,000) monthly salary form the house, he said.

Kamawal was listed as one of 62 MPs to be disqualified by the special election tribunal. Kamawal believes the court’s decision is illegal. He is affiliated with the Parliamentary blocs “Saba” and the “Coalition for the support of law,” and leads the lower house  commission on MPs’ rights, protections, and privileges.

Commission (2012): Immunities and Privileges (Chair, 2011 and 2012)

Bodyguards of lawmaker Sharif Kama started clash with the local residents leaving three people injured including a policeman. Four security guards of Kama have been arrested. The incident took place due to a dispute over land which the local residents claim belongs to the government. Kama was looking to construct a building in the land when the local residents interfered and prevented him to start work.(20150209)

Kamalwal is in a partnership with Apple Inc and Microsoft. He is a Ocean Committee Member and Afghan American Business Partner.(20150626)


He is married and has one daughter and three sons.

Kamawal speaks Pashtu, Dari, Urdu and English.

Last Modified 2015-08-04
Established 2010-10-20