History and Biodata |
2. Previous Functions: Deputy Director for Program Support at Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, AREU, Wolesi Jirga Member 2005 MP MNA Kabul Political Analyst Foundation for Civil Society and Culture, Head, Kabul (20110919)
3. Biodata:
Mir Ahmad Juyenda Joyanda was born 1951 in Kabul. (also spelled Joyenda). He is an Ismaili Shia and has earned a master's degree. Joyendra is an archaeologist by training, educated at Allahabad University in India 1975-78. After that he worked at Kabul University, which was functioning all through the 80’s in spite of the ongoing civil war in the country. He is a former Member of the Wolesi Jirga from Kabul Province. In addition to having served as Director of Foundation for Culture and Civil Society, Joyenda has worked with the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU) as a Deputy Director. Joyenda ran for parliament as an independent in 2005 and collected 3,105 votes (0.8%), coming in 14th place overall. He went on to serve on the Wolesi Jirga's Government Affairs Committee. Mir Ahmed Joyenda is also Chairman for the Foundation for Culture and Civil Society (FCCS), an independent, non-political NGO promoting Afghan culture in the forms of films, poetry, music and other cultural activities. The foundation is sponsored by the World Bank, but is also seeking alternative funding.
Political analyst Mir Ahmad Joyanda said that the country’s crisis would be prolonged as long as the Government continues offering peace offers to the Taliban, and the latter routinely rejecting it.(20120823) |