Afghan Biographies

Jowzjani, Baz Mohammad Juzjani killed

Name Jowzjani, Baz Mohammad Juzjani killed
Ethnic backgr. Tajik
Date of birth 1965
Function/Grade Ex Wolesi Jirga Member
History and Biodata

Baz Muhammad Jowzjani
Phoe: 0799353536

2. Previous Functions:
Wolesi Jirga Member 2005 MP MNA Jowzjan
Wolesi Jirga Member 2010 MP MNA Jowzjan reelected

3. Biodata:
Jowzjani_BazBaz Mohammad Jowzjani Juzjani Baz Mohammad Jawzjani, son of Haji Ghulam Sakhi,was born 1965 in Jowzjan Province. Jowzjani finished his primary and secondary education in Pakistan in 1990, gaining his twelfth class certificate from the Jabhayee Nejat High School in Peshawar. He then began studies at a Technical College in Almaty, Kazakhstan, but they were cut short when he left the country in 1993. He is said to have a arab ethnis background. He hails from the Jowzjani tribe. He is the brother of current (2012) deputy governor of Jowzjan. Jowzjani has been a member of the Hezb-e-Tanzim Jabhayee Milli Nejat Afghanistan
since 1993 and currently serves on the party’s high council.

Jowzjani was a former jihadi commander. He is now the director of companies including the Sakhi Zada construction company and the Haidare Jowzjani Business Company.

Jowzjani was elected to parliament in 2005 with 5894 votes. He served on the Immunities and Privileges commission during this term.

Commission (2012): Finance, Budget, Public Accounts and Banking Affairs.
Baz Mohammad Jawzjani had been martyred in recent suicide attack in Kandahar.(20170110)

He is married and has four sons and eight daughters.

He speaks Dari, Pashto, Uzbek, Turkmen, Turkish, Russian and Kazakh.

The Jowzjani militia was once one of the KGB's proudest creations during the russian occupation of Afghanistan and was commanded by Dostum. After the Russian withdrawal the Jowzjani militia was based in Kandahar to control the Pashtuns there.

Last Modified 2019-05-01
Established 2009-10-12