2. Previous Functions: South Estern Regional Director IACRSC
3. Biodata:
Gulam Ali Joshan s/o Akhtar Mohammad was born in 1960 in Paktika province. He has completed his preliminary education at Zaher Shahi School in Qandahar in 1348, and enrolled Ahmad Shah Baba high School in Qandahar Province. He has graduated from the high School in 1354. Mr. Ghulam Ali Joshan joined to Science Faculty of Kabul University in 1355 and has graduated from Geo Physic Faculty of Kabul University. Later he was appointed as a member of Science Academy. In 1360 he joined Military service and was assigned as general manger of teacher training of Paktya. In 1363 he was transfered as Director of Sayeed Jamaludin Afghani in Kabul . In 1365 Mr. Gulaum Ali Joshan was joined to reserve period of Military. in 1366 he has completed his Military service and was appointed as in charge of economic and mine committee of Paktya. In 1368 he was transferred as director for maintaining the ministry of planning’s technical projects and then he was assigned as a manager of planning sector of higher education and teacher training. In 1382 Mr. Gulam Alim Joshan was appointed as advisor to the ministry of planning. In 1383 he was hired as an advisor to the minister of Economy. In 1384 through open competition he has been appointing ed as director of civil service administrative reform of south east zone and he is above graded employee |