Afghan Biographies

Jawed, Sayed Mohammad Ali Jawid

Name Jawed, Sayed Mohammad Ali Jawid
Ethnic backgr. Hazara
Date of birth 1950
Function/Grade Ex MP MNA
History and Biodata

2. Previous Functions:
Wolesi Jirga Member 2005 MP MNA Balkh

Sayed Mohammad Ali Jawed was born 1950 in Balkh Province. He was a member of the Committee on legislative affairs in Wolesi Jirga 2005.

Harakat-e Islami-ye Afghanistan (Islamic Movement of Afghanistan)
Leader: Mohammad Ali Jawed Postal Address: Street 4, Qala-e Fathullah, Shar-e Naw, Kabul, Afghanistan Telephone: 0799343998

Last Modified 2011-04-17
Established 2009-10-12