Afghan Biographies

Horas, Eng. Abdul Rahim Oraz Auraz

Name Horas, Eng. Abdul Rahim Oraz Auraz
Ethnic backgr. Tajik
Date of birth 1956
Function/Grade Ex-Minister designate
History and Biodata

2.Previous Functions:
Administrator in the training section of the Radio Afghanistan (1981 to 1989),
First secretary at the Afghan Embassy in Ankara, Turkey (1998 to 1999),
Since 2007, he has been working as assistant and acting head of Third Political Division at the Foreign Ministry in Kabul,
Minister designate Transportation and Civil Aviation - Abdul Rahim Horas (20100109) was not confirmed by Wolesi Jirga on 20100116.

3. Biodata:
Eng. Abdul Rahim Auraz, born in 1956 in northwestern Faryab province, completed his primary and secondary education at the Naderia School in Kabul. Auraz graduated from Hydro-Structure Department of Polytechnic University. Speaking Dari, Pashto, Turkmen, Turkish, Uzbeki, Russian and Azeri languages, Auraz is also good at English.

Last Modified 2011-04-15
Established 2010-01-09