Afghan Biographies

Afghan International University (AIU)

Name Afghan International University (AIU)
Ethnic backgr.
Date of birth
Function/Grade Background and Names
History and Biodata

Background and Names:

Afghan International University (AIU) has been established by the Afghan Ministry of Higher Education with 4 faculties.

“First, the faculty of Medicine has two master degree programs (Medicine and Nursing) and one doctoral program in Public Health. Second, faculty of Agriculture with 2 master programs (Agricultural Economics and Rural development, Animal Production and development) and one doctoral program in Plant sciences. Third, faculty of Engineering with 2 master degree programs (Master of Industrial Machinery, Geology and Mining Management) and 1 PhD in Structure Engineering. Fourth, faculty of Sharia or Islamic Studies with 3 master degree programs (jurisprudence and law, law and politics of sharia, Islamic economics and banking), this faculty has 3 doctoral programs (Jurisprudence and law, Jurisdiction and politics of Sharia and Islamic economics and banking). These faculties have been established in the framework of the Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan for the purpose of training, developing, empowering and providing the required human resources by the scientific community of the country,” the Ministry said.

According to the Ministry, the university is using its efforts to achieve it's objectives and establish better communication and gain membership of prestigious and International scientific societies and organizations such as membership in (Association of Universities in Asian Pacific (AUAP), International Association of Universities (IAU), Union of the Islamic world universities), International Council of Virtual Universities, Turkiye Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK), International Association of Student Services (TUR KEY ISSA) and International Association of Universities Presidents (IAUP).(202206179

For years, the American University of Afghanistan (AUAF) was the benchmark of international quality education in the war-ridden country, but now the Taliban regime has set out plans to run it their way.

To the surprise and outrage of the AUAF management, the Taliban authorities in Afghanistan have chalked out plans to transform the private non-profit Western-style academic institution into their own self-styled Afghan International University (AIU), in what appears to be an expropriation by the Taliban of AUAF buildings on land leased by AUAF from the Afghanistan government in Kabul.(20220915)


Last Modified 2022-10-31
Established 2022-10-31