Afghan Biographies

Furqani, Alhaj Makhdum Mohebullah

Name Furqani, Alhaj Makhdum Mohebullah
Ethnic backgr. Turkmen
Date of birth 1954
Function/Grade Ex Wolesi Jirga Member
History and Biodata

Alhaj Makhdum Muhebullah Furqani
Phone: 0771242007

2. Previous Functions:
District governor of Dara-e Suf (2002-2005) and again (2007-2010)
Wolesi Jirga Member 2010 MP MNA Samangan

3. Biodata:
Furqani_Makhdum_MuhebullahAlhaj Makhdum Muhebullah Farqani, son of the late MP Mawlavi Noor Mohammadi
Khan, was born in 1954 in Dara-e Suf district, Samangan province. Furqani completed his private Islamic studies in Mazar-i Sharif and Samangan in 1978, and later attained his fourteenth class certificate from an Islamic Madrasa in 2005.

Furqani is a former Mujahid and jihadi commander. For more than 25 years, he served with the Mujahideen, during both the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan as well as during the Taliban period.  Furqani ran unsuccessfully for parliament in 2005, gaining 4,751 votes.

Haji Furqani Farqani, Alhaj Makhdum Makhdom Makhdoom Moheebullah Mohibullah is said to be close to Dostum.

Commission (2012): Complaints and Petitions
Ex-lawmaker Mohibullah Forqani returned to Afghanistan on Wednesday, June 29, 2022.

He is married and has five daughters and one son.

Furqani’s speaks Dari, Pashto and Arabic.

Last Modified 2022-06-29
Established 2010-10-23