Afghan Biographies

Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund ARTF

Name Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund ARTF
Ethnic backgr.
Date of birth
Function/Grade Background and Names
History and Biodata

The Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) Afghanistan Resilience Trust Fund (ARTF) is a multi-donor trust fund that coordinates international aid to improve the lives of millions of Afghans. The World Bank administers the ARTF on behalf of donor partners. To date, 34 donors have contributed to the fund.(2021)

ARTF is the largest single source of funding for Afghanistan's development, financing up to 30 percent of Afghanistan's civilian budget, and supporting core functions of the government.

Since 2002, ARTF has delivered support through public programs and driven some of the fastest progress in the world in reducing infant mortality and increasing children’s enrollment in school. 

ARTF aligns with the strategic priorities of the government to improve development outcomes and living standards for all Afghans. ARTF relies on multiple development assistance instruments, including technical assistance, budget support linked to policy reforms, and project investments in health, education, community development, women's empowerment, job creations, and other priority sectors.

ARTF leverages funding in grant form from the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank's concessionary lending arm, and complements multilateral programming through other international financial institutions, the United Nations Country Team, and donor partners' bilateral programming. 

The newly-endorsed Partnership Framework and Financing Program (PFFP) 2021 – 2024 guides ARTF investments and outlines how new donor contributions will support the Afghan government’s development agenda and policies.(20210609)

The World Bank, in collaboration with the Afghanistan Resilience Trust Fund (ARTF), delivers nationwide support through UN agencies and international NGOs. Their efforts are concentrated on key areas including health, education, livelihoods, food security, and water.(20240802)


Last Modified 2024-08-02
Established 2021-06-09