Afghan Biographies

Faryabi, Karima Hamed Dr.

Name Faryabi, Karima Hamed Dr.
Ethnic backgr. Uzbek
Date of birth
Function/Grade Minister of Economy
History and Biodata

1. Former Ministers of Economy
Dr. Mir Mohd. Amin Farhang (2006),
Dr. Jalil Shams (2006-2009),
Abdul Hadi Arghandiwal (2010-20140930),
Abdul Hadi Arghandiwal acting Minister (20141001)
acting Minister of Economy Hakem Khan Habibi Hakim Khan Habibi (20141209)
Deputy Minister of Economy:
Eng. Sher Mohammad Jami Zada Eng. Shir Mohammad Jami (2011, 20140100)
Hakim Khan Habibi (20140923)
Dr. Abdul Sattar Murad (20150418, 20170813)
Dr. Mohammad Mustafa Mastoor (20171204 confirmed)
Ajmal Ahmadi Minister of Commerce and Industry acting (20190206)
Dr. Karima Hamed Faryabi nominated and acting (20200913) confirmed (20201201)
CoST’s national coordinator:
Sebghatullah Karimi (20170621)
Construction Sector Transparency Initiative (CoST) of Afghanistan signed an agreement with the Ministries of Rural Rehabilitation and Development and Ministry of Public Works. The agreement requires that the ministries have to share all information regarding building projects with the people. CoST falls under the Ministry of Economy and is in charge of monitoring any construction project taken up by the aforementioned ministries.(20170621)

2. Previous Functions:
Team Leader UNICEF/North Afghanistan (1997)
Medical Doctor Maymana General Hospital/Provincial Hospital Faryab (1997)
MSF Mother and Child health Supervisor (MCH) in North Afghanistan (1997 - 2004)
UNDP: National Adviser to the Faryab Provincial Government and Project Assistant with National Area basedd Decelopment Programs (Capacity Building) (2004 - 2006)
NABDP/MRRD/UND: Institutional Adviser to the Northern Region Afghanistan ((2006 - 2009)
SAF Technical Deputy Manager (2009 - 2010)
Maymana Municipal Public Administration Advisor with North ICMA (2011-2012)
Project Coordinator Save the Children (2016 - 2017)
Medical Science Teacher (2018)
Minister of Economy nominated and acting (20200913) confirmed (20201201)
3. Biodata:
Mrs. Dr. Karima Hamid Faryabi went to Avicenna Balkh Medicine Faculty, Balkh University, Mazar-e-Sharif, Balkh Province, Afghanistan (1990-1997)
She is a member of the Faryab Civil Society Network and an advocate of women’s rights in the province. She was a candidate for Faryab Wolesi Jirga Election 2010 but did not grab a seat.

Karima Hamid Faryabi was confirmed as minister of Economy with 136 votes out of 242. (20201201)

She speaks Uzbeki, Dari, Pashtu and English

Last Modified 2020-12-02
Established 2020-09-14