Afghan Biographies

Faiez, Hajji Ghulam Sarwar Fayez Faiz

Name Faiez, Hajji Ghulam Sarwar Fayez Faiz
Ethnic backgr. Tajik
Date of birth 1970
Function/Grade Ex Wolesi Jirga Member
History and Biodata

Haji Ghulam Sarawar Faiez
Phone: 0799609848

2. Previous Functions:
Responsible for the media department of a Saudi Arabian aid organization. (2002- 2011)
Wolesi Jirga Member 2010 MP MNA Badghis

3. Biodata:
Faiez_SarwarHaji Ghulam Sarwar Faiez, son of Abdul Ghafar, was born in 1970 in Ab Kamari district, Badghis province. Faiez completed his secondary education in religious schools, primarily at the Darul ‘Uloom Seminary in Pakistan. He got his bachelor’s degree from Al-Azhar University, Egypt, in Islamic Sharia, and earned a master’s degree in Law in 1998 from the Institute of Study and Research in Qahera, Egypt.

From 2002 through 2011, Faiez was responsible for the media department of a Saudi Arabian aid organization. He has also served as a regional director of the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) program at the Ansari Rehabilitation Association for Afghanistan, and a project manager for the Hakim Sanai Development Project’s professional and literacy training program. In 2011, Faiez worked at the Kabul office of Children in Crisis, where he was a regional manager for teacher training.

Faiez was a lecturer at Herat University from 1998 to 2000. Faiez has worked as a Badghis provincial council trainer for IRD on a USAID-funded project, as a legal advisor for the Nedae Zan Women’s Training Project, and in 2004 as a senior teacher and trainer for the Certificate in Information and Technology (CIT) and CORE programs for computer literacy.

Hajji Ghulam Sarwar Faiez Faiz is an independent Wolesi Jirga 2010 Member. He bagged second most votes in Wolesi Jirga 2010 election. He gained the majority of his votes from the rural district of Ab Kamari. Party Affiliation: Hezb-e-Jumhorikhahan Afghanistan

Commission (2012): Women’s Affairs, Civil Society and Human Rights (Secretary, 2011 & 2012)

He is married and has four children.

He speaks  Dari, Arabic and English.

Last Modified 2019-05-01
Established 2010-10-28