Afghan Biographies

Afghan, Habib Rahman Habib-ur Rahman

Name Afghan, Habib Rahman Habib-ur Rahman
Ethnic backgr. Pashtun
Date of birth 1965
Function/Grade Ex Wolesi Jirga Member 2018 MP MNA Kuchi Koochi
History and Biodata

Habib-u-Rahman Habib Afghan
Phone: 0786637677

2. Previous Functions:
Wolesi Jirga Member 2010 MP MNA Koochi Kuchi
Wolesi Jirga Member 2018 MP MNA Kuchi Koochi

3. Biodata:
Afghan_Habib_RahmanHabib-u-Rahman “Habib Afghan,”Habibulrahman Afghan  son of Kheyal Muhammad, was born in 1965 in Mahmod Raqi, Kapisa province. Afghan completed Islamic studies in private schools. Afghan was formerly a jihadi commander and now owns a construction company. Habib Rahman Habiburahman aka Habib Afghan is a Kuchi Pashtun. He bagged second most Votes in Wolesi Jirga Election 2010 for Kuchi.Afghan is the Head of the Lower House Kuchis Affairs Commission. He questioned the ability of the commission, formed by President Karzai, to solve problems between Kuchis and local communities.

Nomads, Tribal Affairs, Refugees and Migration (previous Chair, 2011)

Dozens of residents mostly from Nawabad district, Kapisa Province, protested the expropriation of their land. They accused Habib Afghan of taking their land. The provincial governor of Kapisa, Mehrabuddin Safi, confirmed the issue and said that have sent a delegation, composed of various government departments, to assess the issue.(20121114)

Habib Rahman Afghan received 5,148 votes in 2018 Wolesi Jirga election and got a seat in WJ 2018.

Afghan is married and has sixteen sons and fourteen daughters.

Afghan speaks Pashtu and Dari.

Last Modified 2019-10-21
Established 2010-11-07