Afghan Biographies

Faiz, Mohammad Ajmal Gen

Name Faiz, Mohammad Ajmal Gen
Ethnic backgr. Tajik
Date of birth
Function/Grade Ex Police Commander
History and Biodata

2. Previous Function:
Intelligence and investigative departments of the Ministry of Interior,
Commander of Special Forces’ 333 Unit
Commander of Special Forces’ 222 Unit
Provincial Police Commander Balkh (20190410, 20200927)

3. Biodata:
Gen Mohammad Ajmal Faiz Mohammad Ajmal Fayez Fayiz has a bachelor’s degree from an England university and he has a Ph.D. in the military field from Turkey. He has served in intelligence and investigative departments of the Ministry of Interior, commander of Special Forces’ 333 Unit and as commander of Special Forces’ 222 Unit.

Fayez is endorsed by Ata Mohammad Noor the Chief Executive of Jamiat-e-Islami party. Recently the government appointed General Abdul Raqib Mubaraz as Balkh police chief despite strong oppositions by Noor. The move led to hours of gunfire and chaos in Mazar-e-Sharif City. Following the chaos, the ministers of defense and interior met with Noor where they agreed on a “third option”. 


Last Modified 2021-01-26
Established 2019-04-11