Afghan Biographies

Faizi, Aziz

Name Faizi, Aziz
Ethnic backgr. Tajik
Date of birth
Function/Grade Member of the Oversight Commission on Access to Information
History and Biodata

2. Previous Function:
Executive Director of Afghanistan Center for Commercial Dispute Resolution (ACDR),

Member of the Oversight Commission on Access to Information
3. Biodata:
After successful completion of elementary, secondary and high school he joined faculty of Law and Political science and got his bachelor degree in 2012 and he hold his master degree at Private law. He has worked as in charge for law and contracts coordination with Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries (ACCI).
He has worked as a trainer with Welfare Association for Development of Afghanistan (WADAN) for over 14 months and has also served in different positions of Independent Election Commission and Independent Electoral Complaint Commission from 2011 to 2014.

Last Modified 2018-12-31
Established 2018-12-31