Afghan Biographies

Dara-i-Suf Bala District Samangan Province

Name Dara-i-Suf Bala District Samangan Province
Ethnic backgr.
Date of birth
Function/Grade District Chief District Police Chief
History and Biodata

Dare Souf Bala Dara-i-Sauf Bala Dara-i-Sufi Balla Dara-i-Suf Dare Souf Dara-i-Soff Bala  District Chief:
Ahmad Ali Husaini Ahmad Ali Husni Ahmad Ali Hasani  (20100208, 20110912, 20111110, 20150503)
Haji Abdullah, acting District Chief (20110824)
Ahmad Ali Hosni governor of Dara-e-Sof Bala District (20200225) abducted

District Police Chief:
Haji Rahmatullah (2012)

Public Works Director:
Eng. Zia Humayun (20100208, 20111109),

About eight laborers were working at the coal mine in Dara-i-Suf-i-Bala, west of provincial capital Aybak and died of suffocation at a coal mine pit in Afghanistan's northern province of Samangan on Sunday, Apr 21, 2019 .The laborers , when a poisonous gas leaked and accumulated, suffocating them to death late on Sunday.


Last Modified 2020-02-25
Established 2010-02-10