Afghan Biographies

Azad, Najibullah

Name Azad, Najibullah
Ethnic backgr. Pashtun
Date of birth 1984
Function/Grade Second Deputy Presidential Spokesman
History and Biodata

2. Previous Functions:
FOCUS President and Chief Executive of Focus Development Organisation (20160411)
Political Advisor with NATO in Afghanistan
Second Deputy Presidential Spokesman (20170506)
3. Biodata:
Najibullah Azad, son of Mohammad Karim, was born in February 14, 1984 in southeastern Paktia province. He has master’s degrees in administration and management and English literature.
Najibullah Azad was an advocate, consular, author, researcher and founder of Focus Research & Investigation Center, Kabul. He can be reached at: nj.aazad(at) and
Azad has previously worked as political advisor with NATO in Afghanistan and with some other national and international organizations.
Azad received best writer award from South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) in 2006 and wrote hundreds of articles for national and international media outlets about politics, culture, religion and literature.
Shah Hussain Murtazavi is currently serving as acting spokesman for the Presidential Palace and Azad will serve as second deputy presidential spokesman.

Najibullah Azad said that he has resigned due to pressure from a “specific circle” in Presidential Palace (ARG). Azad further noted that he sent his resignation to the president a month ago, but the same circle prevented his resignation letter from reaching the president. “Because during my nine months at the Presidential Palace I have seen many plots against me, fought many fights against those who solely out of their own insecurities and ‘inferiority complexes’ have considered me as a threat not a colleague,” he has said in his resignation letter. Shah Hussian Murtazawi, the Acting Spokesman to the president, however, on his Facebook page wrote that Najibullah Azad was sacked due to his continued absence.(20180214)

He speaks Pashto, Dari, English and Urdu

Last Modified 2018-02-14
Established 2017-05-06