Afghan Biographies

Daikundi Media

Name Daikundi Media
Ethnic backgr.
Date of birth
Function/Grade Names
History and Biodata

1-      National Radio and TV:
The state-run National Radio and TV have started airing programs in 2006. It has a one hour broadcasting programs in the night. Chaman Ali Frihmand is the director of the outlet.  
Contacts: 0776241059
2-      Daikundi Radio:
The private Daikundi Radio has unleashed programs in 2005, which has established by the Internews. It has 12 hours programs focusing on news, music, agriculture, health and entertainment. Muhammad Anwar Shahab is the director while Muhammad Hussain Alizada is its in charge.
Contacts: 0774219327
3-      Radio Nasim:
It is a private radio, which started airing programs in 2010. It has 12 hours broadcasts covering news, music and entertainment. Riza Wahidi is the director while Mehdi Mohadi is its in charge.

On Wednesday, 12. Oct 2016 evening, Mohamad Reza Wahidi, owner of Nasim Radio was assaulted by the two men who knocked on his door. He collapsed after he was hit on his head and threatened at gunpoint and told to refrain from broadcasting the news. He was also warned that his family and son would be harmed if he continued his reporting. On the same night the offices of Nasim Radio were damaged in a bomb attack. Nasim Radio was the first private radio station established in Dykundi Province in 2011 and has faced constant pressure from local officials as a result of its critical reporting.

Contacts: 0772513006
4-      Sayai Roshan Weekly:
The newly established monthly has started publications sometime back. It is being managed by Suhrab Sarosh Ghaibi while social community oversees its publication. The weekly publishes political and social issues.
Contacts: 0770870587
In active media:
1.      Nama-i-Daikundi:
Nama-i-Daikundi is a weekly print media, which unleashed publication back in 2007. It halted publication because of financial and other restraints. Ismail Nigarish is the director.
Contacts:  0778302002
2.      Sharwali Monthly:
The monthly started its activities in 2011; however, it stopped publication after a short span of time. Hussain Akhlaqi is the director of the monthly.
Contact: 0772556003
3.      Environment Monthly:
The monthly has stopped publication. The national environment department was supporting it with Ali Madad Ishaq is its director.
Contact:  0774747193
 Education Monthly:
The Education Monthly could not keep survival and halted publication. Muhammad Asmati is its director.
Contacts: 0774813006
 Daikundi Weekly:
The private Daikundi weekly newspaper was started in 2009 but stopped publication soon. Muhammad Ali Muhsini is its director.
Contacts: 0778583682
4.      Kawsar Weekly:
Only five volumes of the weekly could be published in 2011 but it halted publication now. Sayyed Jawad is its director.
Contacts:  0771288038
5.      Jawanan Weekly:
It is a privately owned newspaper. After its forth publication, it could not continue to be published. Naim Sais is its director.
Contacts: 0776200656
6.      Sobh-e- Daikundi Weekly:
The weekly started publication in 2007. After one year, it had to stop its publication. Ali Payam is its director.
7.      Safhai Naw:
It was also among the private newspaper, which stopped its publication after four rounds of its publications. Muhammad Rija is its director.
Contacts: 0708302025

Last Modified 2016-10-13
Established 2016-10-13