Afghan Biographies

Halim, Said Yusuf

Name Halim, Said Yusuf
Ethnic backgr. Pashtun
Date of birth 1959
Function/Grade Chief justice and chairman of Afghanistan supreme court
History and Biodata

2. Previous Functions:

1985-1990  Professional Member of Criminal Law Department of the Institute of Legislative Affairs- Taqnin (two years);

1990-1992  Professional Member of the Department for Study and Description of Law of the Institute of Legislative Affairs- Taqnin (five years);

1992-1996 Assistant Director (second grade) of the Department for Study and Description of Law of the Institute of Legislative Affairs (two years);

1998-2000  Head (first grade) of the Department for Study and Description of Law of the Institute of Legislative Affairs (four years);

1997-1999  Deputy Head (above grade) of the Institute of Legislative Affairs (one year);

1998-2000  Professional member of the Department of International Law of the Institute of Legislative Affairs (one year); 

2000-2002 Deputy Head  (abovegrade) of the Institute of Legislative Affairs (three  years);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

2000-2008  General Director (beyond grade) again of the Institute of Legislative Affairs (eight years);

2010-2011  Deputy Administrative Minister (half one years);

2010 -2015 Deputy Minister in Legal Affairs (four years)

2015 till now head of Supreme Court of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

3. Biodata:

Said Yusuf Haleem Sayed Yousuf Halim s/o Said Hussain was born 1959 in Nangarhar Province. He has the Scientific Degree Assistant Professor (Qanoonpooh)

Admitted to School in 1963. Graduated from School in 1976. Admitted to Kabul University in 1977. Graduated from University in 1980.  

Educational Level: Bachelor of Arts in Law and Political Sciences, Kabul University and Master of Arts in the field of Public Law, Islamic Azad University; Kabul.

Haleem fully understands Pashto, and Dari Languages and intermediate level English Language.


Last Modified 2016-06-22
Established 2016-03-30