Afghan Biographies

Bashary, Zemarai Bashari Zamarai

Name Bashary, Zemarai Bashari Zamarai
Ethnic backgr. Pashtun
Date of birth
Function/Grade Ministry Interior Directorate for Protection of Internation
History and Biodata

1. Former Spokesmen Spokespersons to the Ministry of Interior:
Zamarai Bashary (20080211 -20131012 ),

2. Previous Functions:
Spokesman Spokespersons to the Ministry of Interior (20080211-20131012)
Head of the Directorate for Protection of International Institutions (20131030)

3. Biodata:
Bashary ZemaraiZamarai Bashary, the former spokesman for the Ministry of Interior, was recently (Oct 2013) promoted to Brigadier General in the Afghan National Police.  He is currently serving as the head of head of the Directorate for Protection of International Institutions.(20131030)


Phone: 0093-799-326169, Email:

Last Modified 2013-10-30
Established 2009-10-18