Afghan Biographies

Barg Sabz Webdesining Co.

Name Barg Sabz Webdesining Co.
Ethnic backgr.
Date of birth
Function/Grade Background
History and Biodata

Kushnood Nabizada, President and Business Development Executive (20150214)
Assadullah Mossini, director web developing (20150214)
Shuja Ehsanayar Sales Manager and one of the shareholders, (20150214)
Zabiullah Ali Sher, Web and Database Developer (20150214)

Barg Sabz is an afghan owned web services company established in February 2011 by Afghan web developers. The company is licensed through Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA) under the law of Afghanistan. Barg Sabz works in the areas of dynamic web development services, search engine optimization, performance optimization, web hosting and server configuration services.

Last Modified 2015-02-14
Established 2015-02-14