History and Biodata |
Integrity Watch Afghanistan (IWA) head;
Yama Torabi (20141208) also Head of Independent Joint Anti-Corruption Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (20150917)
Chairman of Integrity Watch of Afghanistan: Ikram Afzaly Sayed Ekram Afzali Akram Afzali (20161218, 20170404, 20180320, 20201010)
Sayed Ikram Afzali
Executive Director
ikram.afzali@iwaweb.org |
Daniel Munzert
Deputy Director
daniel.munzert@iwaweb.org |
Abdul Zahid Danishjo
Head of Administration
Sayed Qaseem Rasuly
Finance Manager
Mohammad Khalid Noorzad
Programme Manager (CTM)
khalid.noorzad@iwaweb.org |
Mariam Kosha
Programme Manager (EIM)
Sayd Jalil Osmani
Senior IT Officer
jalil.osmani@iwaweb.org |
Integrity Watch is an Afghan civil society organization committed to increase transparency, accountability, and integrity in Afghanistan.
The mission of Integrity Watch is to put corruption under the spotlight through community monitoring, research, and advocacy. IWA mobilizes and trains communities to monitor infrastructure projects, public services, courts, and extractives industries. IWA develops community monitoring tools, provide policy-oriented research, facilitate policy dialogue, and advocate for integrity, transparency, and accountability in Afghanistan.
Integrity Watch was created in October 2005 and established itself as an independent civil society organization in 2006. It has approximately 90 staff members and 700 volunteers. The head office of Integrity Watch is in Kabul with provincial programmatic outreach in Badakhshan, Balkh,Bamyan, Herat, Kabul, Kapisa, Logar, Nangarhar, Parwan, Panjshir, Samangan,and Wardak.
The Norwegian Embassy, DFID, Integrity Action, UNDP and the World Bank have provided financial support toIntegrity Watch. After five year of activity, Integrity Watch’s accounts have been audited successfully in July 2007, March 2008, December 2009, December 2010, … 2013.
More Background:
Advisory Board (as of 20150105):
Karen Hussmann
Karen Hussmann is a public policy expert with 18 years of experience in governance, transparency, anti-corruption issues and fragile states. She holds a Master in Public Policy and Management from the University of Chile and has extensive work experience throughout Latin America – where she lived for 10 years -, in many countries in Africa, and some in Asia, specifically Afghanistan.
She works as a senior advisor with the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, the EU funded EUROsociAL II programme, is member of the UNDP LAC Service Centre Associate Expert Network in Local Governance and also works as independent consultant. In her professional career she has worked on a broad range of issues proactively building bridges between different fields of practice, such as integrity in state-building in view of conflict prevention and governance in the health sector. She has ample experience in integrity reform in fragile states, civil society empowerment, public administration reform, health care financing, as well as in policy making to address corruption.
Michaela Prokop
Michaela Prokop has over 15 years experience in economic governance, political economy and public finance research, policy analysis and advice. She has worked as an economist and governance specialist for the Asian Development Bank (ADB), European Union, UNDP and the World Bank in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Michaela was based in Kabul between 2004 and 2007. She currently works as an economic policy advisor for UNDP, Vietnam. Michaela holds a Ph.D. in Political Economy of the Middle East from Durham University, U.K.
Board of Directors (as of 20141226):
Integrity Watch Afghanistan’s Board of Directors is comprised of national and international experts with vast experience in anti-corruption issues. Following are members of the Board of Directors.
Lorenzo Delesgues
Lorenzo Delesgues is a professor at Sciences-Po Paris teaching accountability and transparency in post-conflict environments. He has a master degree in Political Sciences from l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques of Paris. He founded and directed Integrity Watch Afghanistan until January 2011. He has been working on corruption issue in post-conflict countries since July 2005 and has since published extensively for Tiri, ODI, OSI, WB, and UNDP.
Delesgues is a political scientist who has lived and worked extensively in Iran, Pakistan, Central Asia, and Afghanistan for the last 10 years. He has been working in Pakistan and Afghanistan since 2001 and researched on subjects including political transition, international relations, political sociology, Afghan political economy and civil society. He has also lectured on post-conflict settings at the Central European University.
Manija Gardizi
Manija Gardizi is a PhD Fellow at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. She holds a Master of Political Science degree from Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität, Bonn, Germany.
She has been working with German International Cooperation (GIZ), Eschborn, Germany/ Trincomalee, Sri Lanka as Component Leader Local Government since February 2012. She has worked with Erfurt School of Public Policy (ESPP), Germany as Program Manager and Lecturer within the ‘Good Governance’ program. She has worked as independent consultant on governance and administration reform for several years. She has also worked with Integrity Watch implementing a corruption study in eight provinces of Afghanistan (Herat, Logar, Nangahar, Badakhshan, Balkh, Baghlan, Bamyan and Kabul); titled: “Afghans’ Experience of Corruption”.
Khwaga Kakar
Khwaga Kakar is a public policy expert with five years of experience in Afghanistan on governance, anti-corruption, state building and human development. She is the Director of the Center for Policy and Human Development at Kabul University since 2008 and is currently leading the preparation of the National Human Development Report 2010. Prior to that, she was part of the team that formulated Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS). She drafted the interim anti-corruption strategy of Afghanistan and was part of the team that drafted Afghanistan’s Anti-corruption Strategy. She has a Master of Public Administration from Indiana School of Public Policy and Environmental Studies. Khwaga has served on the Board of IWA since 2006.
Juanita Olaya
Juanita Olaya is a Lawyer with a PhD in International Law and Master’s degree in Economics and Public Administration. She has over 20 years of public sector and NGO experience both at the national and international levels combined with academic, training and consulting work.
She has expertise in the areas of development, governance, anti-corruption, public and international finance, procurement, civil society participation and capacity building both at the international, national and local government levels. Her experience spans through sectors such as extractive industries, infrastructure, trade and investment and capital markets.
Her publications include; How to Reduce Corruption in Public Procurement, Transparency International (TI) 2006, Integrity Pacts in the Water Sector, 2010, and TI’s Report on Revenue Transparency of Oil and Gas Companies, 2010. Juanita is or has worked previously with the following clients; UNDP Afghanistan, U4, TI, Carbones del Cerrejón Ltd. (El Cerrejón), Eurodad, GIZ, MENA-OECD Investment Programme, Water Integrity Network and the World Bank Institute.
Niamtullah Ibrahimi
Niamtullah Ibrahimi holds a BSc degree Politics and International Relations from the London School of Economics as well as a Masters of Arts in Islamic Studies from Sultan-ul-Afazail/Baluchistan University, Quetta, Pakistan.
He is currently a Research Officer at the Crisis States Research Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in Kabul. He is member of various civil society organizations in Kabul including Foundation of Open Society Institute Afghanistan and Afghanistan Watch. He is also ICC Project Coordinator at the Afghan Professionals Alliance for Minority Rights (APAMR).
Nils Taxell
Nils Taxell is a political scientist and development practitioner currently working as a Senior Advisor at the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre where he focuses on governance, anti-corruption, people’s engagement, gender, fragile states and aid effectiveness. He worked in Afghanistan 2006 to 2009 and has since then kept engaged through various projects and assignments. Nils has experience in project management, policy advice, research and training. In 2016, he joined to Integrity Watch as a new member of Board of Director contributing with his experience from the field of anti-corruption.
Dr. Yama Torabi
Yama Torabi is an Afghan civil society activist and political scientist. He is a founder of Integrity Watch Afghanistan, which he directed between from 2009 to 2014. He is a commissioner of the Joint Independent Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (MEC) since 2012 that assesses the anti-corruption efforts of the Afghan government and the international community in Afghanistan. Mr. Torabi is a political-scientist with more than ten years of experience in governance, corruption, accountability and transparency in Afghanistan. Before that he worked for more than 8 years in humanitarian and development sectors. He has a PhD in international relations from the Institute of Political Studies in Paris. He has led and conducted many research projects. He has extensively written and presented papers and given talks and public lectures on corruption, governance and state-building over the last years. He is currently a Board member of Integrity Watch and Business Integrity Network Afghanistan, is an independent consultant and collaborates with global think thanks on research and capacity training on governance and anticorruption.
