Afghan Biographies

Azimi, Mohammad Azam

Name Azimi, Mohammad Azam
Ethnic backgr. Tajik
Date of birth
Function/Grade Ex Airport official
History and Biodata

2. Previous Functions of Mohammad Azam Azimi:

Herat Airport Manager (20120821, 20130827)

3. Biodata:
Azimi AzamMuhammad Azam Azimi has been arrested on corruption charges. Attorney Gul Ahmad Ramesh said he  had been detained on the basis of complaints from airport staff. Ramesh accused the detainee of stealing 40,000 afs, an amount meant to fund overtime claims of 27 airport employees. He quoted Azimi as saying he had pocketed the money with workers’ permission.(20130826)



Last Modified 2021-08-02
Established 2013-08-27