Afghan Biographies

Badar, Jamaluddin Badr

Name Badar, Jamaluddin Badr
Ethnic backgr. Pashtun
Date of birth
Function/Grade Ex Governor
History and Biodata

2. Previous Functions:
Provincial Governor Nuristan (20090127 - 20110903 ),

3. Biodata:
Badr_JamaluddinJamaluddin Badr served as the governor of Nuristan. It is said he is affiliates with Abdul Raool Sayyaf. On July 10, 2008, Tamim Nuristani - the pre-pre Governor was relieved of his duty by President Karzai. His replacement, Hazrat Din Noor, died in a car accident on September 5, 2008.

The former governor, Jamaluddin Badr, had been often criticised for his excessive degree of absenteeism from his troubled seat, and this even by Nuristan’s standards (reportedly many of the provincial council members and other government officials spend most of their time in Kabul or Jalalabad). It is said, that after the 2009 presidential elections, Governor Badr did not visit Nuristan for nine months. ‘Even when he was there, he would not move a step out of his compound in Parun’, a local official recalled. In the second half of August 2011, Badr was replaced by Tamim Nuristani who had already held the governorship from 2006 to 2008.

Several US officials confirm that relations between the coalition and Nuristan's governor Jamaluddin Badar have completely broken down over allegations of corruption and months of unpaid police salaries. "We withdraw investment in places we cannot go," said US Commander Russell McCormack, head of the PRT. "In one month, we canceled 3.5 million dollars in schools because we could not go to the sites to verify what was happening to the money." (20100304). Cases of corruption and dereliction of duty against the governor and police chief of the remote eastern province of Nuristan have been referred to the Attorney-General (AG) Office (20100523).

Former Nuristan ex- governor Jamaluddin Badr, was sentenced to two months in jail by the Criminal Justice Task Force (CJTF) in Kabul for misappropriating police salaries in the eastern province.  (20120926)

Last Modified 2012-09-27
Established 2009-10-09