Afghan Bios Insider View:
Insider thaught it - no outsider would believe it: An US official said there is a "high degree of certainty" that 30 Mio $ bribe payment to Mohammad Ibrahim Adel was made in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, within a month of December 2007, when the state-run China Metallurgical Group Corp. received the contract for a $2.9 billion project to extract copper from the Aynak deposit in Logar Province.
2.Previous Functions:
Mining Engineer and Director of Karkar Mine (1973).
Deputy Minister of Mines and Industries (1993 and 2005).
Deputy Minister of Public Works (1993).
Director of the Research Institute (2003).
Head of Mining Department (2004).
Deputy Minister of Mines during the Transitional Government of President Karzai (2005).
Minister of Mines (2006-2009).
Engineer M. Ibrahim Adel s/o Emam Ali was born in 1951 in Parwan province of Afghanistan. After completing his primary educations at the Ghazi High School, Adel earned his Bachelor and Master of Science Degrees in Mining Engineering from Kabul Polytechnic University and University of Saint Petersburg of Russia.
Adel is under investigation by the Attorney General because allegedly taking bribe linked to the Ainak Copper Mine Project, which had been awarded to a Chinese Mining Company.
Adel speaks and writes good English, Russian, Dari |