Afghan Biographies

Hakim, Engineer Mohammad Kabir

Name Hakim, Engineer Mohammad Kabir
Ethnic backgr. Pashtun
Date of birth 1959
Function/Grade Development Officer
History and Biodata

2. Previous Functions:
Development Officer with PRB (Partners in Revitalization and Building)

3. Biodata:
kabir_engMohammad Kabir Hakim, also known as 'Engineer Kabiir', is the son of Mohammad Hakim. He was born Aug 30, 1959 in Azizabad, Mazar-e-Sharif City, Balkh Province· in northern Afghanistan. After going to Nadir Shahi School and Bakhtar Lycee, he has completed a bachelor in engineering from Indian University, a MBA in project management from American University and also he has earned multiple certifications from American colleges and universities. These certificates are in the areas of business, finance, financial planning, sales, marketing, employment and labor market policies. He has also received certificates on labor organizations and the sociology of labor markets, job -and labor-market training, organizational and work psychology, industrial relations, and promoting competence management, business negotiations, personnel actions, human resource information, personnel controlling, organizational communication and business management. He has also been educated in post war recovery study, specifically in aid delivery.

Engineer Mohammad Kabir Hakim has worked in UN Systems and NGOs working for relief and rehabilitation of Afghanistan. Similarly, he worked in a number of companies as a program officer and manager. He is the founder and currently directing PRB (Partners in Revitalization and Building), an Afghan NGO working in relief rehabilitation and reconstruction of Afghanistan.

Hakim is married with four kids

Languages spoken: Pushtu, Persian, Urdu, Handi and little Arabic

Last Modified 2015-07-23
Established 2012-04-11