History and Biodata |
2. Previous Functions: Executive Director of the Humanitarian Assistance for Women and Children in Afghanistan
3. Biodata:
Selay Ghaffar Sailai Ghafari was born in Afghanistan. She migrated to Pakistan where she was awarded a MBA from the Asian Management Foundation at Islamabad University.
She is the Executive Director of the Humanitarian Assistance for Women and Children in Afghanistan (HAWCA). A member of the EVAW Committee Afghanistan since its foundation in 1999, her commitment to efforts to eliminate violence against women include cooperating with the Ministry of Women Affairs in drafting Afghanistan’s first EVAW law, recently signed by the President. A member of the Afghan Women’s Network and the Civil Society and Human Rights Network Afghanistan, she is a frequent participant at global women’s rights meetings, including the South Asian Conference on CEDAW Concluding Observations in India, the conference on "Gender, Women Rights and Politics" at Viterbo University in Italy. She has special expertise on UN SCR 1325 and women’s role in peace building and conflict resolution, and special training in human rights law and international standards. Ms. Ghaffar served as a member of the official delegation to Geneva for the presentation of the Universal Period Report on Human Rights (UPR) of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
She speaks Pashtu, Dari, Urdu and English. |