Afghan Biographies

Bayat, Fatema

Name Bayat, Fatema
Ethnic backgr. Tajik
Date of birth 1969
Function/Grade Bayat Foundation Executive Director
History and Biodata

2. Previous Functions:
Teacher in the USA
Senior Vice President Ariana Television
Bayat Foundation Executive Director

3. Biodata:
bayat_fatemaFatima Bayat “Laya” was born 1969 in Afghanistan. She received her Bachelors Degree in English Literature and Education and earned her Masters degree in the field of special education. She is certified to teach English, Elementary education, and special education. After teaching for several years in the United States, she left teaching and became involved in the rebuilding efforts in Afghanistan. Currently, she is Senior Vice President of Ariana Television, and Executive director of the Bayat Foundation.

Last Modified 2023-01-23
Established 2011-07-28