Board of Directors 20th of Octobre 2008, the board of director elected:
President: Saidajan ABDIANI - Sharq Seed Enterprise
Saidajan ABDIANI (picture) is the CEO of Sharq Seed Company. He is also Prof. assistant, MSC (Hons) in horticulture vegetable seed production.
Vice president: Abduk Halim NOOR - Noor Brothers Treasurer: Mohammad Qasem DEHQANPOOR - ASP Secretary: Mohammad SHAFI - ISE Kabul
Members: Abdul Ghani SHARAF - Baba-i-Dehqan Abdul MUTALIB - ISRA Ahmad FARID - Khwaja Mohammad Musafer M. Akram KARGAR - Nahr-e-Sayed Sultan Ahmad DAUD - Sultan Daud Seed Enterprise
Ordinary members: - Abu Zahri Ghafari - Afghan Seed Project ASP - ARIA - IMD - Baba-e-Dehqan Seed Entreprise - Balkh - Brotheran Husaini - CoAR - Drukhshan Seed Enterprise - Improved Seed Enterprise - ISRA - Khalil Mohmand - Khuja M Musafer - Khuwaja Kaftar Seed Enterprise - Kunar Agricultural Company - Nah Re Sayd Seed Comopany - Nangarhar Agriculture Company - NDVA - Pule Kheshti Enterprise Kunduz - Sabz Motmaeen - Sarai Sang - Shah Fuladi Seed Enterprise - Shaikh Karuf Karokhi - Sharq Seed Entreprise - Shekh Ul sllan Herav - Sultan Daud Seed Enterprise - Timor Sohrab Enterprise - Yamad Enterprise - Mazar
Associate members: - Mercy Corps – Kabul - VARA
Address: Afghanistan National Seed Organisation National Seed Secretariat Badam Bagh Kabul - Afghanistan Phone number: +93 (0) 7 00 60 18 24 email: |