Afghan Biographies

Andkhoi District Faryab Province

Name Andkhoi District Faryab Province
Ethnic backgr.
Date of birth
Function/Grade District Chief District Police Chief
History and Biodata

Andkhoy District Chief:
Khairullah Anush Anoush (20091200), became Governor of Samangan Province in May 2010,
Sultan Mohammad Sangar Sultan Sanjar Sultan Sanger Sultan Mohammad Sanjar, fathers Name Mohammad Ayub, Grandfathers Name Abdullah, married, Tribe:Arab, DOB 1962, Place of birth Faryab Province, Phone 079974615, (2010, 20111014, 20120904, 20130512, 20150522, 20160528, 20190706)
Police Chief:
Naiem (2012)
Andkhoi police chief and four Afghan police officers were injured in an explosion in Bala Hesar area at Andkhoi district. Health condition of Andkhoi police chief is critical and he has been transferred to Mazar-e-Sharif for treatment purposes.(20130512)

At Bandar-e Aqina (Aqina port), in Andkhoi district on the border with Turkmenistan, profits had reached USD 245 million in the first six months of 2012 double the previous year’s figures, with imports of petroleum, vehicles and spare parts, ironware and foodstuff from Central Asia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, China and Europe while dry fruit, including pistachios and almonds, handicraft products and animal furs are shipped out of the country.

Last Modified 2019-07-06
Established 2010-04-23