Afghan Biographies

Amirpoor, Maj Gen Shah Mir

Name Amirpoor, Maj Gen Shah Mir
Ethnic backgr. Tajik
Date of birth
Function/Grade Ex Police Commander
History and Biodata

2. Previous Functions of Maj Gen Shahmir Amirpoor:
Prison Director Pul-i-Charkhi Prison, Kabul (20040904),
Prison Director Kunduz (20100208),
Prison Director Herat (20120507)
3. Biodata:
Maj Gen Shahmir Amirpoor Shah Mir Amirpur Shahmir Amirpor was the Commander of Pul-i-Charkhi Prison in Kabul (2006) when three American mercenaries were held in that prison (Jack Idema and two others). The US Embassy Kabul, DOS and FBI played a strange role in that case. Amirpoor, a Northern Alliance member, sided with Idema and was later transfered to Herat and later to Kunduz to get out of reach of the US Embassy.

Last Modified 2018-09-05
Established 2010-02-08