Afghan Biographies

Awartaq, Eng. Muhammad Hashem Urtaq Ortaq,

Name Awartaq, Eng. Muhammad Hashem Urtaq Ortaq,
Ethnic backgr. Uzbek
Date of birth 1955
Function/Grade Ex Wolesi Jirga Member
History and Biodata

Mohammed Hashim Hashem Awartaq Ortaq Aurtaq Urtag
Mobile: 0799 373 148 and 070 476 363

2. Previous Functions:
NDS Officer
Meshrano Jirga Member 2005 MP MNA Faryab
Wolesi Jirga Member 2010 MP MNA Faryab

3. Biodata:
Ortaq_Eng_HashimMohammed Hashim Ortaq, son of Haji Mohammed Omar, was born in 1955 in the village of Ghazari in Khwaji Sabz Posh district of Faryab province. He studied at Dahano Primary School in Khwaja Sabz Posh district of Faryab in 1962. In 1973, he studied at the Secondary Technical High School in Kabul. In 1976, he enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering of Kabul University. He received a degree in electrical engineering.

In 1981, he joined the National Security Department. In 1983, he was promoted to deputy manager and in 1985 he became deputy director of the Ghazni Security Directorate. In 1986, he worked as a simple employee in the Bala Buluck district of Farah province. Following that, he was appointed to the 89th Directorate of National Security in Kabul. In early 1988, he was appointed as the Deputy Director of Security in Faryab province. Following the collapse of Dr. Najibullah’s regime and the establishment of the Islamic State of Afghanistan in 1992, he became director of security in Faryab province.

In 1995, he was deputy director of national security in Mazar-e-Sharif. With the arrival of the Taliban in 1998, he went to Turkmenistan. During the anti-Taliban resistance, he worked as a security director for Junbish-e-Milli in its Mashhad, Iran offices. With the fall of the Taliban and the establishment of the the interim government, he was appointed as the director of security for Faryab. In 1984 and 1987, he received significant promotions from the Ministry of National Security.


He is the recipient of medals for military services, bravery, a class-three star, as well as letters of commendation. In 1981 and 1987 he traveled to Uzbekistan and Russia for short term training on security issues.


Awartaq was elected as a member of the Provincial Council for Faryab province in 2005 and through this position was elected as the Council’s representative in the Meshrano Jirga (Senate). He was a senator in the Meshrano Jirga during the 2005 term. Awartaq was a member of Ensejam-e-Milli parliamentary group during this term. He is a member of Junbish-e-Milli.


Muhammad Hashim Awartaq bagged most votes in Wolesi Jirga Election 2010.


Commission (2012): Transport, Telecommunications, Urban and Housing Affairs, Water and Power Supply and Municipal Affairs (Secretary)

The Taliban have shot dead  Zalmai Akbarai aka Zalmai Bai operational unit commander of police for Sherin Tagab district with sniper shot in western Faryab province. Zalmai was the nephew of Mohammad Hashim Awartaq. (20180322)

He is married and has two sons and four daughters.


He speaks Uzbek, Turkmeni, Dari, Russian, Pashto and English.

Last Modified 2019-11-27
Established 2009-10-22