Afghan Biographies

Akbari, Mohammad Noor

Name Akbari, Mohammad Noor
Ethnic backgr. Hazara
Date of birth 1963
Function/Grade Ex Wolesi Jirga Member
History and Biodata

Haji Mohammad Noor Akbari
Mobile: 0799335680, 0799154634

2. Previous Functions:
Wolesi Jirga Member 2005 MP MNA Daikundi,
Wolesi Jirga Member 2010 MP MNA Daikundi reelected,

3. Biodata:
Akbari_Mohammad_NoorMohammad Noor Akbari, son of Mohammad Akbar, was born in 1963 in Khidir district, Daikundi province. Akbari completed his primary and secondary education in 1976, in Khadir High School, Daikundi province. In 1979 he graduated from Kabul Polytechnic. He earned his bachelor’s degree in political science in 1995 at the Jamiya Melia University in New Delhi, India. He also has a master’s degree in Humanities and Languages from the Jamiya Melia University, which he was awarded in 1997. His family is wellknown as his brother served in the 13th Parliament under Zahir Shah.

Akbari was an editor and a journalist for the Tafahum magazine in New Delhi from 1994 to 2001. He was the First Secretary at the Afghan embassy in India from 1998 to 2001. He also served as the Chargé d’Affaires in the Afghan embassy in Japan from 2002 to 2004. After this, he returned to Afghanistan and became the deputy chief of the Protocol Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kabul in 2004.

He was a member of the Committee on immunity and privileges and of the parliamentarians 2007 formed "Third Line Group (Party)" in Wolesi Jirga. In this group some Hazaras are members, such as MNA Ali Setigh, Sidiq. He is the Deputy President of Hiszb-e  Insijam-e Mili.

He is married with 6 children, four sons and two daughters.

He speaks Dari, Pashto, English, and Hindi.

Last Modified 2019-05-01
Established 2009-10-12